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How WebRTC Works: The Basics of Real- Time Peer-to-Peer Communication

Picture a future when your web browser becomes an instant connect portal and you don’t need
any plug-ins or downloads. That’s the revolutionary WebRTC technology, which has been
working behind the scenes to facilitate millions of video calls, live chats, and virtual
collaborations each day. From Netflix's Party feature allowing friends to watch a movie together
to virtual doctors diagnosing a patient through the browser to massively multiplayer games
running directly in Chrome – WebRTC has changed how we communicate online. This is not
just another web technology that can be developed as an open-source project; it is the foundation
of the real-time communication applications in today’s digitized modern world, allowing peer-to-
peer communication between two browsers directly with a few lines of JavaScript code. In this
guide, we’ll explain the nature of the WebRTC solution and look at how it manages to make
users' connections happen directly, securely, and as close to real-time as possible.

What is WebRTC Technology?

WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is a revolutionary technological solution that
enables direct browser-to-browser communication without additional software, plug-ins, or
applications. In its simplest form, WebRTC takes ordinary browsers and turns them into
competent communication tools for real-time voice, video, and data sharing. WebRTC
technology was created after Google acquired Global IP Solutions in 2010 and the first WebRTC
project was made open source in 2011. Google's vision was simple yet revolutionary:
establish an easy-to-follow format for real-time collaboration that would be free, non-
proprietary, and integrated into all web browsers.
WebRTC solution not only includes simple video calls but also includes high-end video codec,
bandwidth control, echo control, noise control, and automatic gain control. Most notably it
embodies highly complex NAT traversal and many security measures such as mandatory
encryption. Today WebRTC is implemented in all major browsers starting with Chrome, Firefox,

Safari, Edge, Opera, and their mobile versions. It has grown rapidly, especially in recent years
starting in 2020, with the help of programs such as Google Meet, Discord, and Facebook
Messenger. As per the current data, WebRTC is used in billions of minutes of voice and video
communications across applications and business verticals daily.

Core Architecture of WebRTC

WebRTC solution has several interacting parts that make up the platform that the architecture of
WebRTC relies on to support real-time communication. WebRTC has three key JavaScript APIs
that serve as the base of its functionality at its core, each of which plays a different roles in the
communication process. The MediaStream API sometimes referred to as getUserMedia, acts as
the starting point for the functionality of a device. This API is responsible for streaming
multimedia from your device's hardware – be it a camera microphone, or even the screen. It
gives precise control over media properties, enabling the developers to set constraints on things
like video resolution or frame rate and audio quality. MediaStream also supports such features as
track modification and cloning of media streams.
The main component of WebRTC architecture is RTCPeerConnection. This advanced part
controls the cycle of point-to-point connection. It performs basic activities such as determining
which codec the two call participants will use, controlling the bandwidth, and encryption. The
RTCPeerConnection can be compared to an intellectual conductor orchestrating the complicated
connectivity process with and within the parties and across different network conditions. It uses
auto bandwidth control, packet loss simulation, and echo control to help in offering the best
quality communication.
For the real-time exchange of raw data between two peers, WebRTC technology offers
RTCDataChannel. This component enables the bi-directional transfer of arbitrary data to each
other and uses delivery properties reminiscent of WebSocket but with a peer-to-peer structure.
This is especially the case with the use of RTCDataChannel where efficient data transmission is
valuable especially when it comes to real-time games or file transfer. Undermining these main
components are several protocols that support connection with different network contexts. The
ICE framework tries to remove some of the network challenges by searching for the best way to
connect parties. It uses STUN servers for discovering a peer's public IP address and in case direct
connection is not possible it uses TURN servers for sending and receiving data.

WebRTC connection process

WebRTC connection procedure is quite complex yet sophisticated and aims to create a safe peer-
to-peer connection. It is essential to understand how the WebRTC solution connects two

1.Signaling: The Initial Handshake:

WebRTC connection starts from signaling. It is a process that assists the peers to find one
another and exchange connection information. WebRTC doesn’t require a standard signaling
protocol and developers can use WebSocket, HTTP, etc. During signaling, peers exchange three
types of information:

  • Session Control messages to open or close communication;
  • IP addresses and ports of devices that make up a particular network;
  • Media formats (codecs and the supported resolutions).

2.Session Description Protocol (SDP):

SDP is used when the media to be transmitted must be first negotiated between the peers. Before
establishing the connection, participants have to send and receive SDP messages, which include
critical metadata about the connection. This exchange follows an offer/answer model:

  • The initiating peer formulates an “offer” including its capacities;
  • The receiving peer replies with an “answer” that encloses compatible capabilities;
  • SDP messages contain information about media codecs, transport protocols, and network

3.ICE Framework in Action:

The ICE – Interactive Connectivity Establishment – framework manages the process of
establishing direct communication between peers. It works by collecting ICE candidates
(connection points), ensuring there is a link between the candidates, and deciding on the optimal
way of communication.

4.NAT Traversal: Overcoming Network Barriers:

As the majority of devices run behind NAT, it makes the formation of direct peer-to-peer
connections next to impossible. WebRTC technology employs a multi-layered approach to
overcome this:

  • STUN Server Communication
    Peers contact STUN servers to get their public IP addresses on the Internet and STUN servers
    answer with the IP and the port of the external network. All these work in simple NAT
  • TURN Server Fallback
    TURN serves to act as a middleman when direct connectivity cannot be established. Although
    not as efficient as the first method, it guarantees the link in complicated network arrangements.
    TURN servers are used to relay media and data between two peers.

5.Creating the Peer Association:

This final WebRTC connection is established through a complex set of steps, first, collecting
ICE candidates from both STUN and TURN servers which are potential communication
endpoints. These candidates are then passed between their peers in a signaling server that serves
more or less as a matchmaker. Once the set of candidates is acquired, the ICE framework
performs several connectivity checks on candidate pairs and tries different connection paths to
identify the best connection. After selecting the best path, the system uses this connection hence
the possibility of creating media streams or data channels over this most suitable route. During
this whole process, WebRTC constantly checks the connection to make sure that the connection
is both sound and fast, and is capable of adapting to any changes in the network that might occur.

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Pros and Cons of WebRTC


  • WebRTC technology is built right into the native browsing environment; no third-party add-ons
    are needed;
  • Open-source and free to use;
  • Integrated security feature with mandatory encryption;
  • Low latency and high speed;
  • Compatibility with rate control and dynamic segment addressing;
  • Direct peer-to-peer communication eliminates multiple servers;
  • Cross-platform compatibility;
  • Integrated noise suppression, and echo reduction                    


  • Advanced features are complicated to implement;
  • Inconsistent mobile browser support;
  • Requires fallbacks for older browsers;
  • TURN server costs for failed P2P connections;
  • Network constraints may limit the quality.
  • Complex Debugging procedure

The versatility of WebRTC has led to its adoption across diverse applications:

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Best implementation practices

For performance enhancement: adaptive streaming and quality adaptation according to the
network. Since WebRTC has an API for media statistics, it is possible to analyze the state of
connections and control them. There are standard error scenarios that should be catered for
including loss of network connection, application permission issues, and codec issues. Provide
contingencies for the eventuality when a P2P connection cannot be established. For device
compatibility, always perform cross-browser and cross-device testing. Keep the list of supported
browsers up to date and ensure you inform your users about incompatibility problems that they
encounter on the website.


WebRTC has become a powerful force in web-based communication where real-time can now
be initiated by developers across the world. With the continuation of the WebRTC development,
we will get additional mobile support, increased performance, and new applications. The future
of WebRTC technology is encouraging with expected future editions such as WebRTC-NV
(Next Version) that will address concerns with scalability and performance. It is also growing
into new areas such as AR/VR communications and edge computing usage.

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